Lodge Results for Sunday 02/26/06 - Week 16
I have been in a bit of a slump the past few weeks so I wasn't betting on a great finish. Started out folding every hand except for the blinds. I hardly saw a face card and when I did, my kicker was a 2 or a 3. Finally I look down at Q10s and I call. Flop comes Q9J and I bet. Get one caller and the turn is an A. I bet and my opponent calls. River is a blank and I bet once more only to be raised. Now he had raised a few other times, but had never shown his cards. I had top pair and a good kicker so I call him and he turns over AQ. I was down to T38 so I pulled out my rebuy coupon and get it ready since we are one blind level away from the rebuy period ending. Next hand I get JJ and I go all in and get 3 callers. I get my trips on the turn and quadruple up. I am up and down over the next few blind levels and finally build up to about T360 with blinds at 50-100. We break down our table and I move to a table that has a HUGE stack, about T4500 or more at a time the average stack is about T1000 or so. Of course he is bullying the table by raising either preflop or after the flop 10 and 20 times the blinds. We go to break and I just will play very tight and hopefully his stack will be knocked down by someone with a monster hand. First hand after the break I look down at KK. I am two behind the button, under the gun raises to T150 and it folds to me where I go all in. Button calls and the flop is Q94 of spades... doesn't look too good for me. UTG checks and button goes all in and is called. UTG turns over KQ and button turns over AA!!! so I have one out. Turn is a blank and the river is none other than an ACE and my tournament is over. Went out about 27th place or so.
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