Lodge Results for Sunday 09/10/06 - Week 5
Better performance this week, actually won more than two pots. Started out a bit slow, I was at a pretty aggressive table and was not going to call preflop raises with T4, J6 or Q2. I finally get AA and the pot is raised to me, I reraise to 70 with the blinds at 4-8 and a raise to 24. There were two callers before me and amazingly everybody folds to my reraise. A few hands later I wake up to JJ UTG and call expecting a raise. Button raises and I call everybody else folds. Flop is Q7x and we both check. Turn is a blank and button bets 25 and I call. River is a K and I feel he is trying to buy the pot so I call his 25 bet and he turns over AJo and I take it down. Two hands later I get KK in the BB. UTG raises to 30 and there are two callers. I made a mistake now that I look at it in hindsight and I reraise to 60 which UTG and the button calls. Flop is 789 two hearts and I bet 125 to a 220 pot and both opponents call. Turn is a T and I know I am doomed so I check, UTG checks and button moves all in for 350 which has me covered. I put him on either AJ, KJ or JJ and I decide to fold. UTG folds showing a 9 and the button flips over A6 of hearts!!! I am not sure even if I would have bumped it to 150 or 180 preflop that the button would have folded a suited ace.
After the break I go card dead for awhile and then win a few pots here and there to keep me at about 250. Blinds are now 25-50 and I steal a few blinds by going all in. Go card dead again and now the blinds are at 75-150 and I am in the BB and go all in blind. Small blind is the only caller and he flips up 66. After the board is out I turn over K4o pairing only my 4 and I am out in 12th place.
An interesting side note, there was a petition going around before the tourney approved by the directors to change the starting chip and blind structure to be just like a WSOP event. They are suggesting starting with 5000 in chips and using the blind and ante structure of the actual event. I happily signed it and saw later on that more than half of the players signed it.
After the break I go card dead for awhile and then win a few pots here and there to keep me at about 250. Blinds are now 25-50 and I steal a few blinds by going all in. Go card dead again and now the blinds are at 75-150 and I am in the BB and go all in blind. Small blind is the only caller and he flips up 66. After the board is out I turn over K4o pairing only my 4 and I am out in 12th place.
An interesting side note, there was a petition going around before the tourney approved by the directors to change the starting chip and blind structure to be just like a WSOP event. They are suggesting starting with 5000 in chips and using the blind and ante structure of the actual event. I happily signed it and saw later on that more than half of the players signed it.
Hey Donkey.....
Anonymous, at 4:25 PM
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