Poker Donkey

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lodge Results for Sunday 03/05/06 - Week 17

I seemed to have broken out of my slump the past few nights of poker. I am actually getting cards that match up with the flop. Today I am at a pretty aggressive table, but I know most of the players and they play very well. Early on, I see more 2's than any other card so lots of folding going on. Eventually I get some decent hands, but either run into a flush or straight. In fact there were at least 6 flops in the first hour and a half that were all clubs.... My stack is down to about T180 and the blinds are 10-20. I am in the big blind and look down at KJs and the player to my right goes all in and I call. He turns over pocket 2's and I feel good that I am going to take his stack, however nothing falls for me and his 2's take it down. Now I am down to about T60 in chips and get QJs and push all in. I get one caller who has AQ and he gets his ace and I use my rebuy coupon. Finally my cards get better, even so good as I finally see AA for the first time in weeks. I build my stack to T700, but then I go for sometime without winning any pots so my stack is down to T385 and we are down to the final 2 tables. First hand at my new table and I look down at J10s. Now at this time, the next person to be knocked out gets another rebuy coupon and I am the shortest stack at the table so I call. The other two turn over AQ and KJ, the ace falls and I am out, but 19th isn't bad considering some of the cards I had today.


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