Lodge Results for Sunday 03/12/06 - Week 18
A better showing today than the past few weeks. I start out decent and then when the blinds are 4-8, I look down at AKo and I rasie to T25, I get a call and then an all in. Everyone quickly folds and I happily call only to face AA, I get a king and nothing more so I lose half my stack. Eventually I am down to T34 so I go all in so I can use my rebuy coupon I won the week before. I rebuy and first hand get AKs!!! so the blinds are 10-20 and I raise to T60 and get a caller. Flop is 2 spades and we both check, turn is blank and river is a spade so I have the nut flush. My opponent bets 50 and I raise to 100, he calls and flips over a straight and I rake the pot. After losing a few 2nd nut hands I am down to T50 with 20-40 blinds so I start going all in with marginal hands and after tripling up and doubling up I am sitting back at T500 or so. Eventually I am at the final two tables and the blinds are 150-300 and I am down to T475 in chips sitting in the big blind. The table folds to the small blind and he puts me all in, I call because at that point its any two cards. I flip over 10-7 and he has A8s, I get my 7 and take the pot. Next hand I am in the small blind and look down to KJs and the table is folded to me. I push all in and big blind has to think for about 5 minutes because that would be 75% of his stack. Eventually he calls and flips over AQo and catches trip queens and I am out in 12th. Each week I am improving, so I am hoping for a final table next week.
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