Poker Donkey

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lodge Results for Sunday 04/02/06 - Week 21

A better day with a bad ending. Started out folding every hand either because I didn't have any cards, or there was a raise preflop and my hand wasn't worth calling. I finally get KQo and call, flop is QJx and I bet. Get a couple of callers and then the turn comes K and I bet, get a caller and then the player to my right who is running low on chips and wants to rebuy goes all in. I go all in over the top and the other guy calls. The rebuy player has 910 and the river comes... an EIGHT so he gets his runner runner straight. I am down to 82 chips at the break. Finally I start getting cards and am up to 375 and down to 3 tables. We break up and three hands later I get 88 in the big blind. There is a raise, a call and I call. Flop is 10-7-6 and I check. Raiser goes all in, other player folds and I call. He turns over pocket Aces, turn is a 5 and the river is a FOUR so I get my runner runner straight and crack the Aces. Now I am up to 700+ and we are now down to the final 2 tables. Then after watching 3 hands that I folded would have taken down the pot, I get Q10. Flop comes AKx and I check. Get a bet, a call and I decide to chase. Turn is a blank and again a round of betting and me chasing. River is a blank and then we get an all in. I fold and would have lost because both players had a king. I am down to about 200 in chips and go all in with J10s, get called by AKo, he gets his king and I am done in 14th place.


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