Lodge Results for Sunday 04/30/06 - Week 24
This tournament had more riding on it because in addition to the normal 1st place prize, a seat was being awarded to a charity tournament that has a $200 buyin. 1st place in that tourney is a $10,000 seat in the WSOP. I was hoping that the bad run of cards the past weeks has ended. Started out well, finally won some pots and was up to 400 at the third blind level. One hand that stood out was ATo, I was in the big blind so I checked and the flop came T75, it checks to me and I bet 80 and get a caller. Next card is a J and my opponent bets 100 which I call. River is a K and my opponent goes all in for 200 more and after much thinking, I decide to call. He had pocket 6's and is out. I called him because I put him on an ace or a low pocket pair, also if I would have folded I would only have T180 left when blinds are 20/40, also this player had been aggressive and betting with draws or mid pair. I go on a dry run and then move tables, I have about T800 and blinds are 100/200 when we break down the final 2 tables. I am on the button and look down at A2s, but just before this the dealer dealt me a card that belonged to my opponent on my right and in the confusion I did not see another player go all in. I finally realized it after I called all in and placed my chips in the middle. Small blind folds and big blind calls with KQ. First all in player had pocket 10's. Flop comes 5TA and only runner runner 34 will keep me in. Turn is a blank and the river is a J giving the KQ a straight and I am out at 15th place. If I would have seen that other player go all in before me, I would have folded my hand, but that is why it is so important to pay attention to EVERYTHING at the table no matter what the distractions are.
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