Results for Sunday 10/22/06
Did not play at The Lodge this Sunday, I decided to try a $100 buy in home tourney hosted by a friend of mine. Four weeks ago when he announced it, he was saying there were going to be 50 players and first place will get about $2300, then the night before he said that there will be about 30 players, but first prize was still good at $1400. So I arrive and now there are only 16 players, top 4 spots pay and first only pays $750. I decide to give it a shot anyway. We start out with 40,000 in chips and the blinds are at 100-200 doubling every 15 minutes. First 8 hands I have pocket pairs 5 times, but each time two over cards come on the flop and I have to fold. Each time someone hit a higher pair. Eventually I start getting crap cards and by the first break I am down to 20,000. First hand after the break, the blinds are 800-1600 and I get A2s UTG and decide to call. Get three other limpers and the flop is A85 of which two are my suit. It is checked around and the turn is a blank and someone fires out 1600 and I call along with another player. River is a 2 and same person bets 1600 again and I raise to 4800 and he calls with AT and I am back to even. Made a mistake later when I had AT and an A hit the flop but so did a 4 and my opponent had A4. I decided to call her all in and that knocked me down to about 10K in chips. Two hands later I get pocket 4's UTG and go all in, big blind calls me with A6 and wouldn't you know, he hit his 6 on the river and I am out.
Two things I found wrong with that tourney... one was not enough players and the other is too many chips to start with. That encourages donkey plays because calling a 200 blind or 600 raise is nothing when you start with 40,000 in chips.
Two things I found wrong with that tourney... one was not enough players and the other is too many chips to start with. That encourages donkey plays because calling a 200 blind or 600 raise is nothing when you start with 40,000 in chips.
I like it a lot! Very nicely done. :-)..!
- x
spaghetti alla carbonara
Anonymous, at 5:46 AM
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