Poker Donkey

Monday, April 24, 2006

Sucking out

I have to vent about this because last week I was sucked out on many times. I played APL tournaments on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and yesterday. I played at a local bar that has their own league on Friday and I played a APPA game on Saturday. Here are the hands I had for the final hand of my tournament life and what my opponent had preflop.

Monday - AKo vs. KK vs. A5o
Tuesday - ATs vs A2o
Wednesday - K10o vs Q9s
Thursday - KK vs ATo
Friday - ATo vs 85s
Saturday 1st tourney - QQ vs K9o
Saturday 2nd tourney - K7s vs 64o (3 handed)
Sunday - AA vs A8s

With the exception of the Friday and Saturday 1st tourney, I was all-in preflop because it was nearing the end of the tournament and I had either less than 3 times the big blind, or I had 4 times and pushed it all in.

Now here is how it ended up....
Monday - A5o wins when he catches his straight on the river. (5th place)
Tuesday - A2o wins when he catches his two pair on the turn. (19th place)
Wednesday - Q9o flops a straight (20th place)
Thursday - ATo flops his ace and I get no help. (8th place)
Friday - I call a raise with the ATo because I was one behind the button. Flop comes AT6 with 1 heart and I bet 1000, blinds are 200/400. Raiser calls as well as 85s (hearts). Turn is another heart and I bet 2500, raiser folds and 85s calls. River is another heart and it is checked to me which I go all-in. She thinks for awhile and then calls asking if I had a higher flush. I do not and that is it for me. I figured she caught her flush, I bet big hoping she would think I had a higher one. (9th place)
Saturday 1st tourney - 3rd hand of the game and I get QQ, blinds are 10/20 and I raise to 220 and get 4 callers. Flop is J87 and I bet 600, two callers, turn is a 6 so I bet 1200 to get any chasers out, one caller. River is a T and I know I am doomed so I bet 1500 and my opponent pushes all-in for 500 more and I call. Chased a GUT SHOT STRAIGHT DRAW to the river!!! (1st one out)
Saturday 2nd tourney - We are 3 handed and I am in the big blind, blinds are 3000-6000 and I have 11000 in chips. Small blind calls and I raise all-in, he thinks and says "well we gotta knock someone out, so I call". He catches his 6 on the turn and I am gone. (3rd place)
Sunday - I was not getting cards, blinds are 200-400 and I have 1500 left. I am big blind and get AA so I raise all-in and get 4 callers. Flop is T97 with 2 clubs and I am worried. Two fold when a 1000 bet is placed and the turn is a diamond, Another 1000 bet and the river comes a CLUB so I know there was a chaser. The person to my right goes all-in and I told her she had any suited ace and she turns over A8 when she was the SMALL BLIND!!! I am out (5 tables left)

Basically the point of this is EVERY time I have gone in preflop with the best hand, sometimes DOMINATING my opponent, yet they catch their cards and take me out.

Lodge Results for Sunday 04/23/06 - Week 23

Bad day, best pocket pair I was dealt was pocket 3's. AT was my highest Ax hand. Every other had was a face card with a 2,3 or 4, or amazing hands like 84o, 72o (got that one 3 times!!!), 62s, T2o (that would have hit for 2 pair if I didn't fold to a preflop raise.) I finally get frustrated after the first break and go all-in with A10o hoping to steal a pot, but get called by AK and out I go.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Carson's Live 04/21/06

Last night I played in my first monthly venue championship for the APL. Basically if you win, you get a certificate, a trophy and a seat to the regional championship. There were 5 tables and I started out good with pocket kings my second hand. Then a few blind levels later I get pocket 10's and raise to 3x the blinds. I get two callers and the flop comes AKQ which doesn't look good unless I get a J on the turn or river. Everybody checks to me and I bet 300, get one caller and the turn is a 7. Opponent checks and I bet 500 which he calls after some thought. River is a 3 and I bet 1000 after he checks. He thinks and throws away his Q and I take the pot exposing my 10's. Later when the blinds are beginning to take their toll on my stack I get pocket aces and go all in 4x the blind. I get a caller and double up when his KQ doesn't hit. Soon we are down to the final 16 and I get the pocket aces again!! so I raise to double the blind and one player puts me all in which I happily call. He has K10 and my aces hold up again. Soon we are at the final table and the blinds are 2000-4000 and I have 14,000 in chips. I get pocket kings and go all in. Everyone folds to the small blind who thinks for about 3 minutes and calls with A10. Flop has an ACE and I get no help and I am out in 8th.

Sadly the past 3 nights I have gone out on good hands... Monday I went out with AK against KK and A7, the A7 WON with a straight.... Tuesday I have A10 at a 4 handed table, go all in against JJ and A3, the A3 wins with 2 pair.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Lodge Results for Sunday 04/09/06 - Week 22

Change of game this week. Due to Easter, the tournament director decided to play some limit Omaha Hi/Low. I have never played this game before so it was going to be interesting. The play moved along very slow because of the raising, re-raising, and capping the betting each round as well as splitting the pots. It took 4 blind levels of 20 minutes each for the button to make it around the table. I only took down 1 1/2 pots the whole game. 1 sweep and 1 low pot with A3. I found that when I would get A2 or A3 and I didn't get any high cards, I would try to chase the low ones, but would get burned if either the hand wouldn't qualify for a low or one of my low cards would pair. I ended up finishing in the top 3 tables (out of 6), but it was a good learning experience. We go back to hold'em next week.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lodge Results for Sunday 04/09/06 - Week 22

A good tournament yesterday, about 60 people showed up. Started off folding most of my hands. The table was pretty tight until we were down to the final 3 tables. Before the first break, the pot was raised only twice pre flop and we only lost 1 player. On the hand before the break I was down to about 130 chips and have A8o. Flop comes AQQ and I check, player goes allin for a little less than I have. This was the last hand before no more rebuys could be use so I decide to call. He has 66 and doesn't get any help so I double up. After getting rivered a few hands after the break, I am pretty much short stack until I get K7. Flop comes K26 and the player to my right goes all in and I call. Get one more caller and the original all in turns over K2 so I need a 7 to stay alive. I river the 7 and triple up. Finally we move to the final table and I am 2nd to shortest stack out there. I look at QQ and the player to my right goes all in and I call. He turns over QJ and doesn't get any help so I double up again. After a couple rounds of blinds I am down to 2000 with the blinds at 500-1000. I am in the big blind with Q4 and the flop comes K74 and my opponent bets 1000 and I decide to call. He turns over A4 and I don't get any help and I am out in 5th place. Not a bad showing considering at one point when the blinds were 20-40 I was down to 125 in chips. Next week is going to be either Omaha or Omaha hi-lo which I have never played before.

Lodge Results for Sunday 04/02/06 - Week 21

A better day with a bad ending. Started out folding every hand either because I didn't have any cards, or there was a raise preflop and my hand wasn't worth calling. I finally get KQo and call, flop is QJx and I bet. Get a couple of callers and then the turn comes K and I bet, get a caller and then the player to my right who is running low on chips and wants to rebuy goes all in. I go all in over the top and the other guy calls. The rebuy player has 910 and the river comes... an EIGHT so he gets his runner runner straight. I am down to 82 chips at the break. Finally I start getting cards and am up to 375 and down to 3 tables. We break up and three hands later I get 88 in the big blind. There is a raise, a call and I call. Flop is 10-7-6 and I check. Raiser goes all in, other player folds and I call. He turns over pocket Aces, turn is a 5 and the river is a FOUR so I get my runner runner straight and crack the Aces. Now I am up to 700+ and we are now down to the final 2 tables. Then after watching 3 hands that I folded would have taken down the pot, I get Q10. Flop comes AKx and I check. Get a bet, a call and I decide to chase. Turn is a blank and again a round of betting and me chasing. River is a blank and then we get an all in. I fold and would have lost because both players had a king. I am down to about 200 in chips and go all in with J10s, get called by AKo, he gets his king and I am done in 14th place.

Lodge Results for Sunday 03/26/06 - Week 20

No recap this week because I did not make it to the tournament.

Lodge Results for Sunday 03/19/06 - Week 19

It was a nice rainy day so the field was not as large as it has been on previous Sundays. I start out slow, winning one hand in the first 25 minutes, but since blinds are very low, I am still ahead. I then get KhQh and call a T25 raise. Flop comes 2h6hAc and the initial raiser bets T25 again and I call. Turn is 9h and he bets T25 again and I raise to T50 which he calls. River is a 2c and he bets T50 and I raise all in. He thinks for a while and I am hoping he didn't raise with A2, but finally he calls and turns over his ace and I take the pot. After a few more wins I am up to T460. Now the fun begins. I have 57o and there is a raise, a reraise and an all in before the action comes to me so natually I throw the hand away. After 2 players are all in, the player two to my right turns over pocket aces and he is up against pocket 10's. Flop is 75K, turn is 3 and river is ..... 7!!!! Would have boated. Very next hand I get K7 and again there is raising, reraising and all in so I throw the hand away. Flop is A97 turn is J and river is 7 which I would have taken down the pot AGAIN!! with suckout cards. Next hand, I look down at pocket kings so I raise, then there is an all in for just a bit more than my raise, a call and a reraise which I call. Flop is 378 and the same player that had the aces earlier pushes all in. I think he may have queens or jacks so I happily call. He turns over guess what??? Pocket ACES for the second time in 4 hands so I am down to T83 in chips. Next hand pocket sevens and I push all in and get one caller who has AJ and gets trip aces and I am out. I am disappointed, but at least I was taken out by quality hands and not suckouts.

Lodge Results for Sunday 03/12/06 - Week 18

A better showing today than the past few weeks. I start out decent and then when the blinds are 4-8, I look down at AKo and I rasie to T25, I get a call and then an all in. Everyone quickly folds and I happily call only to face AA, I get a king and nothing more so I lose half my stack. Eventually I am down to T34 so I go all in so I can use my rebuy coupon I won the week before. I rebuy and first hand get AKs!!! so the blinds are 10-20 and I raise to T60 and get a caller. Flop is 2 spades and we both check, turn is blank and river is a spade so I have the nut flush. My opponent bets 50 and I raise to 100, he calls and flips over a straight and I rake the pot. After losing a few 2nd nut hands I am down to T50 with 20-40 blinds so I start going all in with marginal hands and after tripling up and doubling up I am sitting back at T500 or so. Eventually I am at the final two tables and the blinds are 150-300 and I am down to T475 in chips sitting in the big blind. The table folds to the small blind and he puts me all in, I call because at that point its any two cards. I flip over 10-7 and he has A8s, I get my 7 and take the pot. Next hand I am in the small blind and look down to KJs and the table is folded to me. I push all in and big blind has to think for about 5 minutes because that would be 75% of his stack. Eventually he calls and flips over AQo and catches trip queens and I am out in 12th. Each week I am improving, so I am hoping for a final table next week.

Lodge Results for Sunday 03/05/06 - Week 17

I seemed to have broken out of my slump the past few nights of poker. I am actually getting cards that match up with the flop. Today I am at a pretty aggressive table, but I know most of the players and they play very well. Early on, I see more 2's than any other card so lots of folding going on. Eventually I get some decent hands, but either run into a flush or straight. In fact there were at least 6 flops in the first hour and a half that were all clubs.... My stack is down to about T180 and the blinds are 10-20. I am in the big blind and look down at KJs and the player to my right goes all in and I call. He turns over pocket 2's and I feel good that I am going to take his stack, however nothing falls for me and his 2's take it down. Now I am down to about T60 in chips and get QJs and push all in. I get one caller who has AQ and he gets his ace and I use my rebuy coupon. Finally my cards get better, even so good as I finally see AA for the first time in weeks. I build my stack to T700, but then I go for sometime without winning any pots so my stack is down to T385 and we are down to the final 2 tables. First hand at my new table and I look down at J10s. Now at this time, the next person to be knocked out gets another rebuy coupon and I am the shortest stack at the table so I call. The other two turn over AQ and KJ, the ace falls and I am out, but 19th isn't bad considering some of the cards I had today.

Lodge Results for Sunday 02/26/06 - Week 16

I have been in a bit of a slump the past few weeks so I wasn't betting on a great finish. Started out folding every hand except for the blinds. I hardly saw a face card and when I did, my kicker was a 2 or a 3. Finally I look down at Q10s and I call. Flop comes Q9J and I bet. Get one caller and the turn is an A. I bet and my opponent calls. River is a blank and I bet once more only to be raised. Now he had raised a few other times, but had never shown his cards. I had top pair and a good kicker so I call him and he turns over AQ. I was down to T38 so I pulled out my rebuy coupon and get it ready since we are one blind level away from the rebuy period ending. Next hand I get JJ and I go all in and get 3 callers. I get my trips on the turn and quadruple up. I am up and down over the next few blind levels and finally build up to about T360 with blinds at 50-100. We break down our table and I move to a table that has a HUGE stack, about T4500 or more at a time the average stack is about T1000 or so. Of course he is bullying the table by raising either preflop or after the flop 10 and 20 times the blinds. We go to break and I just will play very tight and hopefully his stack will be knocked down by someone with a monster hand. First hand after the break I look down at KK. I am two behind the button, under the gun raises to T150 and it folds to me where I go all in. Button calls and the flop is Q94 of spades... doesn't look too good for me. UTG checks and button goes all in and is called. UTG turns over KQ and button turns over AA!!! so I have one out. Turn is a blank and the river is none other than an ACE and my tournament is over. Went out about 27th place or so.

Lodge Results for Sunday 02/19/06 - Week 15

Not as big a field as the previous weeks due to weather, but there were still about 60 entrants. I had an average run and was up to T350 at my peak, but then I didn't catch any cards the remainder of the tournament until the first hand after the break. I had just moved tables and there was a huge stack that was playing loose and bullying the table. I look down at KK and call a T150 raise with all my chips about T280. The player to my left calls and the flop comes 9Q4. The initial raiser checks and the button next to my left goes all in. The raiser checks and he has a flush draw, but the player to my left has AA. I am doomed. The turn comes J so I need a K or a 10 on the river, but instead to add insult to injury an A comes and my tournament life is over.
Ironically, I had pocket kings cracked TWICE at a cash game the night before. Once with A6s and once with A9o. I don't think I will feel so confident the next time I see KK. Until next week.

Lodge Results for Sunday 02/12/06 - Week 14

Interesting day on Sunday at The Lodge. First of all, I went 4 blind levels of 20 minutes each without winning one pot. My luck was so bad that my K9 was beat out by K10 which cost me T100 in chips. Luckily I lost all my chips on an all in with Q4 so I could use my rebuy coupon hoping this run of bad cards would end. After a few more orbits of blinds and I am down to T185 in chips I look down at J10. Someone raises to 150 and the player to my right calls and I decide to call as well. Two other people call after me so this is looking like a good pot. Flop comes KK5 and I figure my time is up. Everybody checks and the turn is an A and again everybody checks. River is a J so I throw in the remaining 35 chips and the two callers after me FOLD!!! All in turns over pocket 9's and the guy to my right turns over pocket 3's and I win the pot. Then the turn of luck begins. Over the next 2 1/2 hours I get pocket queens three times and each time they hold up against Kx each time with all in bets or calls. Soon I am up to T1600 and our table breaks down. My new seat is to the right of a maniac who either goes all in on preflop or on the flop no matter what. Since nobody is calling him, I am not sure what he is up to. Eventually someone calls and the maniac sucks out on him so I knew this would be a tough place. I tighten up and hope to either wait for the table to break down, or someone to call him and take him out. Eventually the table breaks down and I move. I get some more good cards such as pocket aces which hold up against the pocket 2's that went all in. Eventually I am at the final table with T2500 in chips, but I do not get any cards, and the maniac is to my right now and now he is going all in every other hand. Two people get taken out by him because he gets his flush on the river. After a few more blinds, I look down at pocket 10's and go all in with T500 with the blinds at 300/600. Small blind calls and big blind checks. Flop comes 655 and I feel good. Player to my left checks and big blind goes all in and the player to my left calls. I turn over my 10's and the player to my left turns over 78s. Turn is a blank and the river comes 9!!!! so he catches his straight and I finish in 6th place. I am happy with that especially with the cards I was getting the first hour.

Lodge Results for Sunday 02/05/06 - Week 13

There was a different format at The Lodge this week due to the Super Bowl. We played a shootout tournament where we started with 5 tables of 10 players and the first 2 places advanced to the final table. We also began with T800 in chips and 10/15 blinds as they do in the sit and goes. I was up and down the whole time I was in, but never more than doubled my stack. The blinds were advancing quickly and nobody was really going out at our table. By the time the blinds were 100/200, we still had 8 players so there were plenty of all-ins. I do recall a stupid mistake I made that cut my stack down to T400. I had pocket 3's and I did not raise preflop. Flop comes A23 and I bet. Everybody folds except for 1 caller. Turn is a blank and he goes all in. I knew when he did that, he could be holding 45 and I call and guess what? He turns over 45s and the board does not pair, nor do I get another 3 so I lose. I learned that I must raise low pocket pairs, but it is tough because they can get beat bad. However, I am not sure that hand if he would have folded because many people like suited connectors, even small ones.
Eventually my stack became only 1.5 times the big blind so I waited until I had a decent hand and went all in with A10o against pocket 7s. He caught his trips on the flop and I was done. Next week it is back to the normal format.

Lodge Results for Sunday 01/29/06 - Week 12

Another great week at The Lodge this Sunday with a 2nd place finish. That puts me only 40 points behind the overall point leader who has 2 first place finishes. He told me this week that he started to feel some pressure with me being "only" 185 points behind him, now I bet he will be sweating next week. There were not too many standout hands this week, but I noticed I had some luck with low pocket pairs. I had pocket 3's one hand and two callers with me in the big blind so I just checked. Flop comes 223 and I have the boat. I throw out a T40 bet which was the big blind at the time and both call. Next card is a 4 and this time small blind bets T40 and I raise to T150 which puts me all in.. Button folds and small blind calls and turns over 34 and the river does not help and I am alive again. The next hand I remember was A2s and I am small blind. The blinds are 25-50 and I have T420 in chips left. I call big blind and then he raises to T250. Everyone folds to me and I re-raise all in and he calls and turns over A9s. I get ready to stand up from the table and then a 2 hits on the river doubling me up!! That was my suckout beat of the evening. I then was short stacked until the final table when I tripled up with pocket 5's when the flop came A58 and went all in and had two callers. The problem was there was a player who was hitting everything and had a very dominant stack. We were able to chip away and he was down to his final chips with an all in blind. He had 3 callers including me with pocket 5's and he turns over pocket QUEENS!!!! and quadruples up. Eventually he took other players down and it was heads up me and huge stack about a 6-1 favorite. First hand heads up I get J7s and push all in, he calls with A9s and gets his ace and its over.
I am doing very well with a 1st place finish and 2 2nd place finishes in 4 weeks. Next week is going to be a bit different with a shootout style where the top two from each table advance to the final table.

Lodge Results for Sunday 01/22/06 - Week 11 - 1st Place!!!

At last after weeks of trying I have finished first at The Lodge. About 85 players were signed up and it took 5 hours to run. It started out good with me winning the first hand with KK and taking about a T60 pot. Picked up another small pot and then got knocked down when my A10 got beat by two pair. After a couple of orbits, I was down to T83 with 60 players still in. Things then began to change, the blinds were at 10-20 so I had to push to get my stack back up. I started to get good cards and after a few double ups and triple ups, I was up to T1400 with 12 players left. Then came by biggest hand of the night. I am one behind the button and I see KQ of hearts. Everyone has folded to me and I call the blind which are 50-100. The button folds, small blind calls and big blind checks. Flop comes A85 of hearts so I have the nut flush. Small blind pushes all in and I see big blind pushing his cards in so I go all in, however he says he hasn't made up his mind so I pull my chips back. I expect him to fold especially with 3 hearts on the board, but he calls anyway. Small blind turns over J of hearts and a blank and big blind turns over an ace. I happily turn over my flush and triple my stack. We are now down to the final table and I am 2nd biggest stack. I relax and watch the small stacks go down and we are down to 3. I am middle stack at that time with big stack having 50% more chips than I do. I take a chunk of his stack with QQ against his Q10 and he is elimated by the other player.
Now its heads up and we are even so I expect a long battle. We traded chips for 20 minutes and then after a few losses he had me 3 to 1 and I needed to double up quickly. I get the opportunity and I am up by one chip (T500) when I get A2 of hearts. He calls and I check and the flop comes A83 and I bet T2000 and he goes all in. I call and he turns over 10 4 of spades and does not catch any cards and I win.
What I didn't realize about this particular day is in addition to the regular prizes that The Lodge gives away, 1st place also gets a seat into the True Texas Poker tournament with T.J. Cloutier on August 20th. 1st place in that tournament gets a $10,000 buy in to a tournament of their choice and gets to play T.J. heads up for $5000. Also the final table will be televised.

Lodge Results for Sunday 01/15/06 - Week 10

Well like the New England Patriots, I was unable to three-peat the final table. Nothing steller to report this week, we had a smaller field than normal, only about 56 people with 2 alternates. In fact, the tourney finished an hour earlier than last week. The only hand I had worth reporting is KK under the gun. I raise 3 times the blinds which are at 5/10 and get 3 callers. Flop comes J6x and I bet T30 and get one caller to my left and the rest fold. Turn comes an A and I continue to bet hoping that the caller wasn't chasing Ax. He calls my T30 bet and the river is a rag, and I bet T40 which he calls stating "I want to see if you caught that ace". He turns over J5 and I take the pot with my kings. That put me ahead about T90, but my lack of cards took me down to T120 with the blinds about to go to 20/40. It was just after the rebuy period ended and I knew that the next 4 people would get a rebuy coupon to use in the future so I call a T60 bet with Q10o. Flop doesn't help and the raiser bets T200 and I call putting me all in. I catch nothing and he trips his 8's and I am out in the 30's, but get a rebuy coupon.
Side story - I invited some friends that I play with at another bar to this tournament and one of them was the guy who took me out with his poket 8's. He ends up taking 1st place catching all kind of cards. So it took me 8 weeks to make the tournament of champions when he gets it one try.

Lodge Results for Sunday 01/08/06 - Week 9

Well 2006 has started out with a bang. I had my best finish so far at The Lodge with a 2nd place finish. Still that is 1st loser. I still want to get a 1st. I have my 250 points required for an entry to the tournament of champions so I can relax about that at least. No spectacular hands this week, just I rivered people on four hands and cracked AK twice and almost cracked AA until he showed them before I could call his all in. I had a J10s and would have rivered the straight. I came to the final table short stacked soon after taking a beating with AQs and the flop came Q85. I am one behind the button and the small blind goes all in and is called by the big blind. I have top pair with top kicker and the board is rainbow so I call with half my stack, T290 in chips. Small blind turns over QJ and big blind turns over 85!!! Nothing hits and she triples up.
That is the beauty of no limit hold 'em, you are never out until your chips are gone. I was as low as T300 when the blinds were 100-200 at the final table with 8 players and came back to finish 2nd. The only problem with that is luck plays a much bigger part because you have to wait for the cards or go all in blind when you are forced. I did leave unsatisfied with my heads up play, and I remember my final hand I had A8s with about 1/4 of the remaining chips and I push all in and my opponent has 55 and catches another 5 ending my tournament.
Overall a good tournament and I got $100 in gift certificates to go with the $20 I won last week. Not a bad rake for a free tournament and a $4.25 iced tea.

Lodge Results for Sunday 01/01/06 - Week 8

Well after 2 weeks of no poker at The Lodge due to Christmas, we return to play some pot limit Omaha. I had been looking forward to this tournament because I have yet to play an Omaha tournament live. I had played a few practice games online, but nothing serious. The format this week was a bit different, instead of the usual T250 in chips starting out a 1/2 blinds, we started with T1000 and 5/10 blinds to make the pots more easy to calculate for the dealers.
The game started with some confusion and the beginning was rough, we were all playing like this was our first poker game. Confusion reigned with flushes and full houses that were not there due to the requirement of using 2 cards of the 4 you are dealt. By the 2nd round of blinds I was down to T500 in chips due to a serious beating in loosing my Q high flush to the K high and my full house losing to a bigger full house. I began to realize that 2 pair and trips weren't going to cut it in this game.
Our table broke down and I was still holding on, we were down to 4 tables and I was down to T175 with the blinds at 25/50. It was time for an all in. I don't remember any hands that stuck out except for my final hand, but after some triple and quadruple ups, I was now up to T6800 and looking to at least make the final table. My stack stayed about the same until the blinds were up to 1000/2000 so again, I was faced with an all in situation. I pushed T3500 in blind and watched the action unfold. Finally, the showdown comes and with two other players all in, I figure I need some good cards to beat the flush. I turn over AA33, but no flush so my tournament ends with a 5th place finish.
I am satisfied with that finish considering this was my first experience playing a pot limit Omaha tournament and I hope they run another one in the future.

Lodge Results for Sunday 12/11/05 - Week 7

Nothing too exciting this week. Had a couple good hands, chased a nut flush and that paid off really well. I only chased because I also had the straight draw plus an overcard so I had many outs. It turned out very good due to my opponent catching his trip Jacks on the river and pushing all in. That had me up to T690 in chips with the blinds at 10/20 so I was sitting pretty. However I had a few hands where my two cards were excellent starting hands and I was also in position to call a raise or make a raise, but the board never hit so I ended up down to T270 in chips. The blinds were now at 25/50 and I am in the big blind with 46o with no raisers and the flop comes 5-7-Q and I am first to act, so I go all in. Person to my left folds and the remaining player calls because he caught his queen.... Remaining two cards do nothing for me and I finish in the 30-40th place range out of 79 players.
Next two weeks there is no poker at The Lodge, but I am looking forward to Pot Limit Omaha on Sunday 01/01/06.

Week 6 at The Lodge

Nothing stellar this week. Finished somewhere between 30th and 35th place. Won only two pots doubling up on both. The hand I went out on was a lame one. I had A9o and was the small blind. These were the best cards I had seen in awhile so I call. The blinds are 25-50 and I had about T270 in chips left. There are two callers behind me and the flop comes Q-9-7. I decide to go all in and BB folds and under the gun who called the BB studies his cards and the flop for about a minute and says "What the hell" and calls. He only has about T350 in chips. He turns over A10s and I am feeling good. Turn comes a 10 so only a 9 will win me the pot or a jack will split. River is a 3 so out I go.
Side note, I went to play a 10 o'clock game at a local bar and get quad 8's. Why did I not get that earlier. Oh well, better luck next week.

Lodge Results

I am now posting my lodge results on this site because nobody reads anymore. I will be posting from day 1 until now which has been almost 6 months. Right now I am in 3rd place in points and a win will get me to 1st.